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Hvordan man laver en hjemmelavet tatovering Transfer fra Glad Great
when improvising is needed. The good news is that special transfer paper
does not always have to be used to create a tattoo transfer. In fact, a tattoo
transfer can be a homemade one created with carbon copy paper and applied
using many supplies most people have at home. These include regular stick
deodorant, rubbing alcohol, and napkins or paper towels. The most
important thing to remember is to stay sanitary and safe.
Design Sketch
Sketch out the design as you normally would. If you are using a sketchbook
or predesigned image, use tracing paper, but it is not a requirement for the
final transfer when you are using carbon copy paper. Make sure the design
is satisfactory so you are not transferring it to the copy paper only to have to
sketch it again entirely
Prepare Carbon Paper
Do not forget to remove the protective layer between the top white layer and
carbon layer of your carbon paper. It would be very frustrating to take the
time to overførsel den
sketch to carbon paper only to find out it did not copy correctly, especially
if it is a very intricate design.
Prepare your Sketch to Copy
First, cut around your sketch in straight lines. Then, apply the sketch over
the carbon copy paper. Use tape to secure the sketch in place. The tape will
ensure that you are tracing properly. If the original paper moves at all, your
entire sketch will be off.
Trace your Sketch to the Carbon Paper
With your sketch taped in place, use a pen to trace the outlines of your design
firmly. You do have to press firmly, but not too hard so as to rip the paper.
Using a bold point pen will allow you to press harder without risk of ripping
any of the paper. The harder you press, the darker your image will come out,
and the darker it will transfer onto the skin.
Prep the Transfer
Your transfer paper will be the top layer, which is the white paper. You will
use the bottom side when applying it to the skin, so think of the part you
actually drew on as the part that will be on top when applying. Remove the
white paper from the carbon and yellow copies. It is a good idea to cut the
transfer out around your design as closely as possible, even if it is an odd
shape. This will make it less bulky and easier to apply, especially in small
Ensure Sanitation by Cleaning and Shaving the area.
Sanitation while tattooing is of utmost importance. Wash your hands well
and put on gloves. If the area to be tattooed has body hair, you will need to
shave it. Then, clean the area to be tattooed with 50 percent alcohol. Make
sure you clean the entire area the transfer will be covering.
Prep the Area for Transfer
For this step, you will need your rubbing alcohol, again at 50 percent, and
also a regular stick of deodorant. The alcohol allows the skin to absorb the
transfer better. The glycol in the deodorant will help the stencil to transfer
better. It is important to use regular stick deodorant to ensure you are getting
the proper ingredients, and nothing that will be irritating during the tattoo
Take one of your napkins or a sheet of paper towel (folded to be thicker) and
spray generously with the 50 percent rubbing alcohol. You do not want the
paper towel to be sopping wet, but you need it to be covered in alcohol.
Apply the deodorant in both directions across the paper towel directly on top
of the alcohol (up and down across the paper towel).
Cover all areas, and then repeat the process going from side to side.
Rub the paper towel generously across the area to be stenciled.
Apply the Stencil
Carefully apply the stencil to the area to be covered. Start from one side to
the other, particularly if tattooing a difficult area where the stencil has to go
around or dip into muscles. Hold it there for five seconds. You can keep it
there longer, but you will risk smudging if you leave it too long. Do not
apply for longer than 10 seconds.
Peel and Let Dry
After leaving the stencil for five to 10 seconds, it will need to be removed.
When peeling the stencil off, do so moderately slow and carefully. It is
important to let the area dry for a few minutes before proceeding to the
tattoo process.
Get the Tattoo
Always make sure you are satisfied with the design and its positioning.
There is no going back from here. If you are doing the tattoo for a client,
make sure they are 100 percent satisfied before proceeding. If you have to,
clean the area off, redraw the stencil, and repeat all of the steps.
A tattoo is, for all intents and purposes, forever and a good design sketch is
important to making the tattoo experience memorable, but not in the bad way.
A sketch allows you or your client to decide exactly what they want and
where it will be positioned without dedicating to it completely before seeing
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