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Sådan udskrives billeder på lærred Tasker med Sublimation papir ved Glad Great
1, realize a picture for your canvas baggage. Search the saved pictures on
your computer's Winchester drive, produce text in an exceedingly data
processing document or realize a property right pictures with correct
copyright permissions.
2, Edit your image thus it's acceptable for your canvas bag. Use ikon
redaction computer code to expand, shrink or crop the image. alter the
colours so that they ar daring and simple to envision. Use the reflexion
choice to flip the image, particularly if you're transferring text to your
canvas totebaggage.
3, Print a photograph sample onto plain report to confirm the image is that
the acceptable size for your canvas baggage and therefore the colours ar
printing accurately on your printer.
4, Edit the image if you've got changes you would like to form. If the
colours appear off, attemptdynamic the ink in your printer. If one color is
out or running low, pictures don't look as they ought to. Print a second
check image to confirm any edits have formed the image.
5, Load heat transfer paper into your printer within the direction to
print on the right facet. for many top-loading printers, the right facet are
facing you, whereas bottom-loading printers need paper to be loaded face down.
6, Print your image onto the iron-on paper and permit the ink to fully dry
before handling. Handlingearly on can cause smearing. Cut out the image
victimisation scissors.
7, heat up your iron to its hottest setting with no steam. Place your canvas
bag onto a firm heat-resistant surface. Position the warmth transfer so it's
face-down on the canvas bag.
8, place the iron on high of the transfer and knock down firmly, holding the
iron in situ for fifteenseconds before moving to subsequent section of the
9, Peel away the paper backing from the canvas bag, reheating any stubborn
areas with the iron till the paper simply peels away.
10, Spray the written canvas bag with acrylic craft spray to form the
planning additional sturdy.enable the canvas bag to dry nightlong before
For more information, click here: http://skyimagepaper.com/
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