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Sådan sublimere stof produkter korrekt af Beatrice Carol
apparel and microfiber towels, as well as mousepads. Mousepads have a
fabric covering, which just happens to be polyester. When you sublimate
these materials, the image is more vibrant and durable than any other
decoration process available, which makes the finished sublimated products
far superior than others on the market.
But to have a quality product, you have to sublimate them correctly to get
the best possible results. In this article, we will cover the proper techniques
to get these outstanding results each and every time, and explain why it is
important to do it the correct way.
Heat presses have a top-heated platen, and a bottom platen that most often
has a rubber base. If you don’t use any special pads, in order to get
consistent pressure to keep the sublimation transfer paper against the fabric
when the sublimation dyes turn to a gas and go into the fabric fibers, you
have to use more pressure than is needed to compress the rubber
on the bottom platen. This gives you the press marks and the paper marks on
the fabric.
If you press a sublimation garment with a piece of sublimation paper in the
middle of the press, you will imprint the piece of paper into the fabric,
leaving a mark. Therefore, you must use a tool to prevent this. That tool is
Vapor Foam. By using a piece of Vapor Foam under the fabric that is bigger
than the image area, but smaller than the piece of transfer paper, the paper
cannot be pressed into the fabric, and you will get no press marks.Another
issue that can happen with fabric items is ghosting. Ghosting is when you
place your sublimation transfer onto the fabric item and close it in the press
to facilitate the sublimation process. When you open the press, the paper can
shift on top of the fabric item. When it shifts, the sublimation dyes may still
be gassing out from the paper, and you can get a secondary image off center
of the first image.
The sublimation dyes will go through the adhesive into the fabric and not
hurt your image at all. Further, the adhesive will stay on your paper and not
stay on the fabric.Spray adhesive is not recommended for hard substrates,
but in a pinch it can work okay. Spray adhesive works awesome with mouse
pads. You can use the spray tack to tack the mouse pads to the paper and lay
in a stack. This way you can prep a bunch of mouse pads ahead of pressing
them.One other thing you need to do with fabric items before pressing them
is to use a lint roller to remove dust. You need to do this to remove any
polyester lint that may have settled onto the fabric. downstream adjustments
from having an impact on their products.
Most items for sublimation are heat pressed at 400 degrees. With fabric items
, it is important to lower that temperature a bit. Heat presses have heat
elements that turn off and on to retain the set temperature. Due to this, the
temperature can move up and down a bit. When this happens, the
temperature can come too close to the melting point of the polyester, so you
should lower your temperature a bit when sublimating fabrics.
We generally start at 390 degrees, but you may have to lower it a bit,
depending on the actual operating temperature of your press. You will know
it is too high, if when you finish, your fabric has a gloss or sheen where it
touched the heat platen of the press.
Don’t be scared to give fabric items a go. If you follow the tips and
techniques we described in this article and use the tools that are available,
you can easily sublimate amazing quality products. Sublimated fabric items
are hot sellers, and the profits are there for you.
For more information ,click here: http://fayepaper.com
Sublimation is a perfect decorating solution for performance polyester
apparel and microfiber towels, as well as mousepads. Mousepads have a
fabric covering, which just happens to be polyester. When you sublimate
these materials, the image is more vibrant and durable than any other
decoration process available, which makes the finished sublimated products
far superior than others on the market.
But to have a quality product, you have to sublimate them correctly to get
the best possible results. In this article, we will cover the proper techniques
to get these outstanding results each and every time, and explain why it is
important to do it the correct way.
Heat presses have a top-heated platen, and a bottom platen that most often
has a rubber base. If you don’t use any special pads, in order to get
consistent pressure to keep the sublimation transfer paper against the fabric
when the sublimation dyes turn to a gas and go into the fabric fibers, you
have to use more pressure than is needed to compress the rubber on the
bottom platen. This gives you the press marks and the paper marks on the
If you press a sublimation garment with a piece of sublimation paper in the
middle of the press, you will imprint the piece of paper into the fabric,
leaving a mark. Therefore, you must use a tool to prevent this. That tool is
Vapor Foam. By using a piece of Vapor Foam under the fabric that is bigger
than the image area, but smaller than the piece of transfer paper, the paper
cannot be pressed into the fabric, and you will get no press marks.Another
issue that can happen with fabric items is ghosting. Ghosting is when you
place your sublimation transfer onto the fabric item and close it in the press
to facilitate the sublimation process. When you open the press, the paper can
shift on top of the fabric item. When it shifts, the sublimation dyes may still
be gassing out from the paper, and you can get a secondary image off center
of the first image.
The sublimation dyes will go through the adhesive into the fabric and not
hurt your image at all. Further, the adhesive will stay on your paper and not
stay on the fabric.Spray adhesive is not recommended for hard substrates,
but in a pinch it can work okay. Spray adhesive works awesome with mouse
pads. You can use the spray tack to tack the mouse pads to the paper and lay
in a stack. This way you can prep a bunch of mouse pads ahead of pressing
them.One other thing you need to do with fabric items before pressing them
is to use a lint roller to remove dust. You need to do this to remove any
polyester lint that may have settled onto the fabric. downstream adjustments
from having an impact on their products.
Most items for sublimation are heat pressed at 400 degrees. With fabric
items, it is important to lower that temperature a bit. Heat presses have heat
elements that turn off and on to retain the set temperature. Due to this, the
temperature can move up and down a bit. When this happens, the
temperature can come too close to the melting point of the polyester, so you
should lower your temperature a bit when sublimating fabrics.
We generally start at 3
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