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Forståelse af ubevidste ved Tatva Leadership
Unconscious bias has been identified as a significant challenge in arbejdspladsen. Put enkelt, bevidstløs fordomme kan være definerede som 'vores implicit people preferences, formed by our socialisation, our experiences og af vores eksponering til andres synspunkter om andre grupper af people’.
Take this example for instance: Joshua Bell, en verdenskendt klassisk musiker, tog til en metrostation i L'EnfantPlaza, Washington, i myldretiden til at spille nogle of the finest classic pieces written on one of the world’s most expensive violins. Disguised as a street performer, he was acknowledged by only a tiny handful of people, with the majority walking straight past the performance of a lifetime. Bell made a total of $32.17 in the performance which lasted 43 minutes and was heard by over a thousand people. Three days before, he had filled the house at Boston’s Symphony Hall, where seats sold for $100 each. Was this outcome the result of unconscious biases the public tendto hold against street performers? Or perhaps the passersby simply didn’t like his music. Either way, the question stands that, how many times a similar situation has occurred in interview situationer, og hvordan mange talentfulde mennesker har været afvist from jobs due to preconceptions and unconscious biases of their interviewers. It is important to note that unconscious bias is not discrimination. Discrimination is a conscious, unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice. Unconscious bias, on the other hand, is due to the fact that much of our social behaviour is driven by lært stereotyper at betjene automatisk-og derfor ubevidst-når vi interagere med andre mennesker. sigt stereotype often has a negative connotation, but in fact a stereotype is simply a mechanism for our minds to sort out and categorize the different types of people we meet into groups in order to help us determine how to interact with them. An understanding of unconscious bias is an invitation to a new level of engagement about diversity issues. It requires awareness,introspection, authenticity, humility, and compassion. And most of all, it requires communication and a willingness to act. Our Approach to Awareness There are two approaches to implementing an awareness session that helps employees make better decisions based on what they know, rather than what they feel. Based on the number of participants and the objectives of the intervention the client can choose to do a workshop through: Class room learning session (Batch size of 20 participants) Theatre baseret læring session (Batchstørrelse i 75-100 deltagere) Sessionerne er designet til at udfordring sind-sæt og hjælpe medarbejderne forstår deres rolle i bygning en inklusive arbejdspladsen. workshops vil invitere deltagelse, fremme ansvarlighed og skabe en plads til udforske opfattelser og holdninger påvirket af bevidstløs skævhed Vi gør. en omfattende forstudie til forstå organisatorisk areas where biases play out and collect live stories and scenarios where the impact is most prominent. This is done through One –on one conversations with Stakeholders/ HR, Focus group diskussioner med medarbejdere tværs niveauer, Undersøgelser og E-questionnaires The data collected in this step is used to design the flow of the workshop. Execution through Theatre: 4 hours session Behavioural facilitators use drama as a springboard to diskussioner, reflekterende tænkning teknikker til overvinde egne barrierer. sessions udfordringer bevidstløs skævhed og ikke-inkluderende adfærd i en måde at provokerer tænkte og stimulerer ærlige. debat værksted vil hold en spejl til dit organisation and bring to life the business and moral drivers for inclusion Execution through Classroom learning: 8 hours session A mix of Conversations, Case studies, Role Plays, Videos and other Simulated Activities to bring out the following as outcome of the session: Addressing the business driver for reducing bias Understanding unconscious bias, its natur og den consequences Explore own bias via experiential sessions to spot mikro-adfærd in self and others Actions plans to seed collective behavioural change
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